Womens' Spiritual Journeys Series

                         "What you seek is seeking you.." Rumi




                       THE  FOUR ELEMENTS OF WOMEN.





Sept 18/19/20 5pm Friday night until 4pm Sunday. $375

Expressions of interest, questions and registration: please email me on kerryn@kerryn.com.au Call 0414 323 777

"The times of great change and remarkable opportunity are upon us. To succeed we can no longer go it alone, but must partner with one another to share innovative and creative ways in which to rethink and restructure our individual existence within the context of our expanding global communities. To do this requires a heightened awareness, an awakened sense of purpose, and a dedicated commitment to actively seek out the possible." Dr. Jean Houston.


The power of creating the "Women of Wisdom Council."
How Soul Circle Kinesiology weaves together our purpose as a group.
The 10 Sacred Activism codes on the Goddess Tree of Life.
Your Sacred Activist identity and code name.
The art and practise of Eco-Spiritual Heart Brain meditation.
Which path directs the destiny of your highest self on the Tree of Life Labyrith.

Our time together is laced with sharing, stories told by firelight, dancing, singing, drumming, forest walks, and stepping through the portal of time to a new world of possibilities for your life. As you learn your sacred code name, you begin to hear the unseen eco-spiritual world around you. The gateways of the senses are opening again, which deepen your interaction with the natural world. You then drop further into the purpose of being a sacred feminine steward of earth. That’s the first step. From there you’ll learn how to call in the Thunder of the Mind to steer your course. The Tree of Love's ten qualities identifies more about your innate strengths and reveals your spiritual lineage.

MORNINGS: Salute to the Sun Yoga, then breakfast.

DAYTIME: Setting up the sacred fire, personal and group processes, lunch, free time, meditation.

EVENINGS: Dinner, Gaia TV, Free time.

LOGISTICS. Accommodation includes private and shared rooms. All linen and towels supplied, best quality natural fibres only. Beds are beautiful and comfy. Dress warmly and bring walking boots. We have gumboots and coats if needed. Breakfast, snacks and beverages are included. Organic and local when possible. Catering to all dietary requirements.




       SEPTEMBER 18/19/20

      Arrive Friday night 5pm

      Leave Sunday 2.30 pm

$350 Residential  $275 Non Residential

A potent womens retreat where we learn from each other. Experience the Karralla Retreat where magic is present everywhere.


This is about global worldchanging womanhood, bringing it to all areas of life. These weekends will regenerate confidence, heal the wounds, activate passion, and release even more true spiritual feminine power. Women are a collective and powerful force for conscious evolution and social mastery. We are stronger together.

Tree of Love : Path of the Priestess Programme

THE QUEEN ~ Highness Training and Kingmaking.

How a Queen rules in her society, community and relationships.

THE WITCH ~ Shamanesse Training and Rebel making.

How the Witch expresses her sexuality, magic and radicalism.

THE WARRIOR ~ Leadership Training for Sacred Activism

How the Warrior stands her ground and martials her forces.

THE PRIESTESS ~ Invocation and Mythic Training.

How the Priestess represents Spiritual Leadership 

This Womens' Spiritual Journey programme is focussed on your strengths and connectedness to the Mother Sophia archetype which takes many forms. The Tree of Life and its sacred geometry lead the journey.  We create a mystery school as we work together.

Take charge of life and become leaders in our networks.


I am strongly connected to the Sophian and Magdalene lineage both by spiritual recognition and my Merovingian bloodlines, which connect my heritage back to the Frankish Empire. My soul purpose is facilitating the reawakening of the once powerful spiritual union between humanity and the planetary consciousness called Sophia.

Honouring Earth as our Spiritual home is my core value. Sophia is the an archetypal name of the being who created the earth. The Nag Hammadi scrolls discovered in the Egyptian desert in 1945 by a young shepherd, reveal ancient texts with stories which were unknown about the role of the Sacred Feminine in our history. “Herstory” , the lost Gnostic story of Sophia has been found.

“The ancient Hebrew name for Wisdom is Khokhmah, a feminine noun. In Jewish scripture, it was Khokhmah who personified the female Divine. She is understood as an emanation of God, yet she resonates with the Hebrew Goddess known as Asherah in the Bible, as "she of the sacred Tree."  Proverbs 3:18 calls up an image of Khokhmah that originates in the oldest core of Jewish culture: “She is a Tree of Life to all who lay hold of her.” quoted from.. Long.

The Tree of Life is natures’ analogy for human development. The roots are our family, the trunk is our emerging self into the world, the branches create our territory, the leaves are our language and the fruits and flowers sow seeds for our future. The Tree of Life is also a world known teaching, originally steeped in natures laws and governance. Its form is a sacred geometry of spheres connected by 22 paths.

The Tree of Knowledge took us a step further by offering self consciousness to humanity. Its fruit was eaten by Eve in the Garden of Eden. She was scorned for doing so, and the learning of great wisdom from nature was replaced by patriarchal human autonomy in the way we developed the world.

The Tree Of Love. Somewhere love was lost. The Tree of Love is the missing link. Our future now relies on finding that sacred bond between humanity and nature. The Tree of Love is a blossoming in yourself, remembering the natural soul language of Sophia. Ten simple steps teach you a way to sanctify your bond every day. Plant a Tree of Love labyrinth in your garden and have a sacred place to connect with Sophia.

Eco-Spirituality is the natural way forward through the melee of chaos experienced in the heart and soul of humanity and the very rhythms of nature herself. Nature is the healing field when we surrender our human-ness and open the gateways of perception to listen and engage in conversation with the great wisdom which lives in the ethers of our planet. A being who gives and receives love. This is the new Tree of Love. Plant a Tree of Love in your garden.

My Eco Spiritual meditation retreats attracts dedicated people who feel strongly that spirit in nature and spirit in self are integral. We immerse ourselves in nature at Karralla, my residence and sacred part of the world.  Understanding the power of the four elements and spiralling labyrinth walks reconnects you to the sacred geometry forces all around us. The ten sphere qualities of natural living on the Tree of Love are a meditation in themselves. “Step into the real world.” Redefining the ancient mysteries into a coherent and manageable daily practice is the skill you will learn.


Excerpt by Lila Tresemer from sophialineage.com

“People feel disconnected from a direct knowing of where they come from – beyond the town of one’s birth, what is the origin of the human body and of self-awareness? The disconnect has occurred because of the intentional destruction of sacred earth-based traditions by exploitative materialism and militarism. The lineage that was buried and forgotten can be remembered. The purposeful bond between humanity and the earth can and needs to be restored. The remembrance of the Divine Feminine complements the Divine Masculine. This communion is necessary for Sacred Union, Wholeness and Healing.”
Please go to www.sophialineage.com to find out more about my co workers.